Episode 24: Become a Cultural Transplant without Being Obnoxious About It

Published: Nov. 26, 2020, 9 a.m.

The world is moving, and the locals aren’t happy about it. When Larry moved to rural California, he was met with hostility. Trip experienced the same thing when he was a volunteer on an Indian reserve. Connected communities don’t like outsiders and Anna has seen how easy it is to fall into a silo with your other “outsider buddies” and never even pick up the local language in a foreign country. Each community you enter into has its own cultural language and it’s important to do a little bit of groundwork and research to properly acclimate beforehand.
Key Takeaways
Looking beyond Zoom towns, how will the politics and culture change as more people go home or move to a cheaper state?
Trip grew up in Washington, DC, and doesn’t remember differing opinions being so divided. People just seemed to respect each other a lot more back then.
Larry grew up in a town of 1,200 people. Currently, Larry lives in a rural part of California that leans red on the political spectrum. However, he’s been warned not to drive into certain states with California plates because they’re hated.
Every election cycle, someone wants to move to Canada. It’s actually pretty hard to do.
Anna has seen people move to new countries without doing any research on the culture or the long-term residency requirements.
Buying a new iPhone in Costa Rica is double the price than what you can get in the United States. Shipping things from Amazon into the country is expensive!
Trip shares a story about Trader Joe’s vs. Pirate Joe’s in Canada.
When Larry first moved to this part of California, there was not one friendly person to greet him because they knew he was an outsider.
Trip encountered something similar when he worked on an Indian reservation.
A lot of people are moving; the key is to understand the culture you’re about to enter into and understand the locals may be hostile.
Some city folk end up calling 911 when they see a bear. That’s not how things are done outside of the city.
Anna went to the United States, and because it’s so diverse, she had no idea who was a friend or foe if they were walking towards her after dark. She needed a culture buddy.
Larry experienced the same thing in China. He had no clue what was a safe neighborhood or not.
Anna believes we’ll still be seeing silos of the “outsider folk” in a community and they won’t make an effort to get to know the heart of the community they’re moving into.
You need to make an active effort to integrate with the local scene because the locals aren’t always going to welcome you with open arms.
Larry believes the distribution of people will still be good for us as a whole. However, there will be some growing pains.
We’ve heard about “fly-over states,” but it’s going to be “fly-into states.”
It’s so easy to compare how your old life was so much better than this new or smaller community you’re now a part of, but the locals will get tired of hearing it.
Believe it or not, you can find common ground with people who perceive you to be a murderer. Anna explains.
Thebraveworkforce.com (http://thebraveworkforce.com/)
Bravenewcompanies.com (http://bravenewcompanies.com/)
Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships, by Marshall Rosenberg (https://www.amazon.com/Nonviolent-Communication-Language-Life-Changing-Relationships/dp/189200528X)

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