Episode 21: We Told You So — An Update

Published: Oct. 29, 2020, 7 a.m.

We don’t want to start this podcast off on a “told you so,” but that’s kind of what happened. After releasing the podcast in July, a lot of things have happened in the world, and it turns out Larry, Trip, and Anna’s predictions were all correct. (Can your hosts see the future?) Your co-hosts give a quick update on what’s been going on in the world and how to fully embrace this new remote scene we’re all faced with.
Key Takeaways
Is this going to be the “I Told You So” podcast?
We launched our podcast in July! Let’s give an update on what’s happened since then.
Remember when people said we’d have a vaccine by the end of the year?
Remember when people said we’d all be “back to normal” in a few months?
There’s a mass exodus from expensive cities happening right now. Not to brag, but we were right.
Trip left Seattle. Larry is thinking of leaving. It’s starting to get crowded in his neck of the woods.
The Zoom towns are happening.
Microsoft recently announced that if employees want to work remotely forever, they can! Want to relocate internationally? They can! Dropbox announced they’re going to be a virtual-first company. Companies are converting over.
The biggest hold out right now is Google. They’re not sure what to do with all of this, yet.
People were unhappy that they couldn’t go into the office in the very beginning. Now that everyone is used to it, they don’t want to go back!
People, in the beginning, predicted sexual harassment would go up, verbal abuse from horrible bosses, etc, turns out nope! We were right here too. It’s dropped drastically.
Small entrepreneurs are holding on by their fingernails to what this new world means. Trip has been helping in this space and it’s been satisfying to see the shift.
Schools still haven’t figured this out. Kids will be kids. They will party.
The vaccine might not even be the “final cure” we’re all looking for. This virus could mutate. It could be like the flu virus, but instead of getting a cold, it turns deadly.
Are you really going to wait to restart your career on a 50/50 chance?
What people find more stressful than anything is the unknown.
It’s better to swallow the bitter pill and say “this is it” so you can adapt than keep waiting for it to get better.
There are going to be high rates of alcoholism, depression, and anxiety coming out of this.
What does the future look like for you?
Reframe your mind to see the good even in really negative and awful situations.
There are a lot of benefits to this that we haven’t fully embraced yet.
Stop waiting for this to be over. Stop waiting for someone to rescue you. Embrace it. You’ll be happier.
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)

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