Episode 19: A Better Way To Track Employee Productivity — Tom Moran

Published: Oct. 8, 2020, 7 a.m.

Tom Moran is the Chief Strategy Officer at Prodoscore, an organization that uses AI to measure thousands of daily activity points across business applications to gauge employee productivity. What makes Prodoscore different from other employee engagement tools is that it’s a non-invasive way to measure employee productivity and it creates transparency throughout the whole organization. Tom dives into the platform and how it can help the remote workforce.
Key Takeaways
A little bit about Tom and what he does for Prodoscore.
Prodoscore doesn’t do keystroke logging or screenshots through webcam, which is quite invasive.
How does Prodoscore measure the softer human skills like communication, emotional intelligence, etc?
How productive are annual reviews?
There will be some tough conversations when you are able to see the data, but that gives you a clear opening to improve.
Does Prodoscore notice the difference between time put in vs. value put in?
Managers want eight hours put in, but what we’re actually seeing is not people slacking off, but getting burned out.
The overall insight has been that people have been working too much.
Tom and his team have been careful using predictive analytics. He explains why.
Are there privacy concerns with a program like Prodoscore? Do employees feel jaded when their company is “spying” on them?
Employees like the gamification aspects of this data because they can compare themselves to others.
Employees were also able to see what their manager was doing and it made the organization more transparent.
If an employee is working hard, they want everyone to know it.
Some families are struggling. They’re going to Taco Bell or McDonald’s just to use the free WIFI. Environment plays a huge role, too, in productivity.
It can often be a fine balance between metrics, data, and hitting your objectives vs. customer service and spending time getting to know a customer.
What interesting insights have come out of some of Prodoscore’s clients?
Sexual harassment claims have collapsed globally for some organizations. One sexual harassment lawsuit could cost an organization $300,000. All that money is being saved.
Wining and dining clients has also dropped, which companies are now saving on. They can now use this money to reinvest in technology.
You want to encourage the right behavior. If you introduce technology that makes people feel uncomfortable, what does that really accomplish?
How is Prodoscore working against/being aware of bias?
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
Prodoscore.com (https://www.prodoscore.com/)
Email Tom: Tom@Prodoscore.com (mailto:Tom@Prodoscore.com) Special Guest: Thomas M. Moran.

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