Episode 18: Paradise Lost: As Thousands Flee Cities, Can the Infrastructure in Zoom Towns Hold Up?

Published: Oct. 1, 2020, 7 a.m.

People are fleeing the city in droves and it’s driving real estate prices in these small quaint and quiet towns up by at least 24%. The infrastructure just isn’t there for such an influx of people. Larry, Anna, and Trip discuss what the future may hold for these small pieces of paradise as more “city folk” start to crowd it up.
Key Takeaways
Trip’s trip across the country has been a challenging one, but at least his fashion sense is on point!
There’s been an increase in “Zoom towns.” What are they?
A lot of people are fleeing the cities and moving into these “vacation” destinations. However, these small and quaint towns aren’t set up correctly for the large influx of people.
The real estate is going bananas in these towns. There are estimates that the markets are up between 24% to 54% depending on the area. Larry is witnessing it happening in his area.
What happens if everything goes back to normal? Will these people even be able to return to the city?
How are companies going to manage this if things return to normal? Will they just fire everyone who doesn’t want to come back?
Companies are going to have to go where the talent is going and where the talent demands where they want to live.
Larry tried to do this back in ’91 but the internet just wasn’t there. Imagine now? There are so many possibilities.
The inner cities are starting to collapse.
Trip is having a hard time finding a house to buy because they’re getting taken off the market so fast.
There’s a whole world out there that still wants to work for the next 20–30 years but can’t because they do not have the tech education/background.
Before you commit to your desired vacation spot or “Zoom town,” there’s a big difference between vacationing here vs. living somewhere.
People want to retire on a beach in a foreign country, but sometimes people forget that there are cultural differences everyone but you understands and you can become jaded real fast.
Anna shares upcoming episodes the Brave New Workforce has lined up!
Thebraveworkforce.com (http://thebraveworkforce.com/)
Bravenewcompanies.com (http://bravenewcompanies.com/)
Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
American Factory (https://www.netflix.com/cr-en/title/81090071)

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