Episode 17: Now That We’re Working from Home, Why Are We Living Here?

Published: Sept. 24, 2020, 7 a.m.

Trip is in the middle of leaving Seattle to move on to greener pastures. He and his family originally moved out to Seattle for his career, but now that his career is remote, why stay? Trip and his wife made a conscious choice to move to Pennsylvania to be closer to family. He’s eating his own dog food. Anna, Larry, and Trip talk about why now is the best time than any to make the leap.
Key Takeaways
Trip is currently traveling through Montana! He’s leaving Seattle for good.
Let’s back up, why is Trip moving?
The pandemic made Trip and his wife realize that they’re really far away from family.
Trip’s kids want to know where they come from. It was tough for a while because they couldn’t go anywhere and they were trapped in the house. It would be easier with family around.
Economic opportunity moved to the cities, but there’s a lot of room for growth in the Midwest, where you will literally not see anybody for miles.
Larry has seen farms and businesses die out when he was in Nebraska.
You don’t have to live in a place where you don’t want to be.
How low could your cost of living really be while also increasing your quality of life?
Trip is driving through parts of the country and he sees so many people with boats in the driveways. These people have time for amazing hobbies!
Your quality of life can drastically improve outside of the city.
One of the best ways we can increase diversity and inclusion is through traveling the world. You can find so many similarities in people that don’t look like you.
Seattle is one of the most bigoted places Trip has ever been to. He explains what he means by that.
Google recently came out saying that they plan to replace college. You can take certification courses now for six months.
When Larry went to college, it changed him. He was exposed to a new set of cultures and values for the very first time.
Larry grew up in a town of 1,000 people and those types of towns have been dying.
Remote work allows for people to have more economic opportunity throughout the world.
Tech money came into Silicon Valley and it pushed a lot of working folk out. What would happen if we saw a distributed virtual working model throughout the world?
Larry, Anna, and Trip offer their final takeaways. What does “great” look like to you?
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Bravenewcompanies.com (http://bravenewcompanies.com/)
Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
American Nations Book by Colin Woodard (https://www.amazon.com/American-Nations-History-Regional-Cultures/dp/0143122029)

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