Episode 15: The Best Networks Are Often Closed-Door — Here’s How to Get the Mentorship You Want in the Digital Age

Published: Sept. 10, 2020, 7 a.m.

How do we find people to guide us along our careers when we’re now so dispersed all over the world? Should we go for a mentor, a coach, an advisor, or even a sponsor? What’s the difference between these four things? It’s so easy to fall into these “entrepreneurial-get-rich-quick” schemes that just seem spammy and too good to be true. The truth is, the best networks are often closed-doors and heavily guarded. So, how can an outsider break through and level up their network? Trip, Anna, and Larry discuss in this week’s episode!
Key Takeaways
Let’s talk about mentorship today!
The word ‘mentorship’ can get a bit fuzzy. Trip defines what mentorship means to him.
What’s the difference between mentorship vs. coaching vs. an advisor vs. sponsorship? Anna breaks down each of these key areas.
Larry has always been seen as a father figure in a lot of the places he’s worked at because he will give advice that might not be in the best interest of the company.
Do men and women network differently? Anna shares some of her thoughts.
The women Trip has coached, he has had to help them redefine using “helper” language vs. “leadership” language.
For women, it’s very easy to join women-only groups, but there are downsides to this. Anna shares why you need to network with everyone.
The biggest mistake people make is that they tend to form a network that they’re comfortable with.
A lot of people don’t feel comfortable reaching out to super senior people or people who are very advanced in their careers.
Anna suggests writing down a list of strengths and achievements that you’ve done in your field so that when you approach these “superstars,” you see them as peers from a different industry.
How do you find a mentor and how do you do it the right way?
Want to build a connection that’s “out of your reach”? Put in the work. Read their materials and have something intelligent to say about it.
Larry hates when people try to use Larry as a middle man to jump into more of his “big fish” networks. Larry isn’t going to recommend a stranger to his trusted networks.
How can people find these “closed-door” networks of people?
Uplevel your network. It’s the key to your success and to get that career advancement that you want.
Anna struggled a lot to find these “closed-door” networks. However, she was proactive in making connections from afar. Things really changed for her a year-and-a-half ago when she read, How to Be a Power Connector.
Thebraveworkforce.com (http://thebraveworkforce.com/)
Bravenewcompanies.com (http://bravenewcompanies.com/)
Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
How to Be a Power Connector: The 5+50+100 Rule for Turning Your Business Network Into Profits, by Judy Robinett (https://www.amazon.com/How-Be-Power-Connector-Business-ebook/dp/B00JZZRVD0#:~:text=In%20How%20to%20Be%20a,you%20from%20meeting%20your%20goals.)
Lunchclub.ai (https://lunchclub.ai/)

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