Episode 11: How Important is An Advanced Education in Today’s Brave New World?

Published: Aug. 13, 2020, 7 a.m.

Our co-hosts continue their discussion about education in this second installment in the series. If you missed the first episode about education, please check out “School’s Out Forever: How Will Parents Navigate the School Year Ahead?” Today, Trip, Anna, and Larry interview one of their Brave New Apprentices, Brian Doolan, who has been working with them on podcast production, guest scheduling, and more during the summer. Brian is currently pursuing a degree in Digital Media at the University of Maryland and this is his first hands-on experience in his targeted career field.
Key Takeaways
Let’s talk about education. The wheels are going to come off.
Larry’s got the Ph.D., what does he think about all of this?
In the last four years, the cost of education has gone up 1400%.
Right now with the pandemic going on, most universities cannot weather this sort of disruption.
Is it worth going six figures into debt to get an education?
Brian Doolan is one of our Brave New Apprentices this summer. Who is he?
Brian had never produced a podcast before. Getting this real hands-on experience has been invaluable.
What has Brian’s experience been like so far working with Brave New Companies and on the podcast?
Larry understands the remote model works for some things in education, but not with everything. For example, what are students to do if they don’t have access to a lab to conduct experiments?
Some teachers are not fully prepared to go remote and this has impacted the students.
The biggest things missing right now are the social aspects of school.
Larry and Trip have known each other for years and communicate on a daily basis, but they’ve only met a total of two times.
Larry’s children are college-age now and he’s really questioning the cost. Larry just got a bill today. He’s being charged for campus services his daughter can’t even use!
Why is college so expensive?
Larry was the first person to go to college in his family.
Why learn a bunch of things (at the high school level) when you know you’re never going to use it in your professional field?
Do we really need a ‘foundation’ in order for us to function as individuals? Especially when the world moves so rapidly?
It’s more important now than ever to learn how to learn, to learn how to teach yourself.
The purpose of education is to inform how you think and how you solve problems.
It’s incredibly dangerous to open schools right now. University professors are in the high-risk categories.
Brian shares the takeaways he’s learned so far.
Changing the traditional education model makes it more accessible to more people.
Education can be fun. In a remote world, you can pick and choose teachers that you connect with and feel inspired by.
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
SCOTT GALLOWAY: “Top US colleges’ insistence on keeping tuition costs high and offering fall classes in-person shows that they care only about money, not the public good (https://www.businessinsider.com/scott-galloway-colleges-open-fall-care-about-money-not-students-2020-5)”
Scott Galloway on Anderson Cooper 360.

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