Black History Month 2020 Remix 4 Celebrating African American Marketing Leaders - In honor of Black History Month, we will Re Publish the interviews we have done with African American Marketing Leaders over the last year. Enjoy Jason Mayden (Album 1 Track 10) CEO Super Heroic, former Brand Jordan Sr. Global Design Director, father, husband, entrepreneur, student of the game Genius... applied!

Published: Feb. 18, 2020, noon

b'On occasion, ironically, words are rendered utterly inadequate in capturing the essence of a cosmically elevated conversation. The following quote \\u2018nearly\\u2019 sums up our chat with the inimitable Jason Mayden. \\u201cGenius... is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one\\u201d (shout Ezra Pound \\U0001f3a4). And that\\u2019s all I have to say about that (in my Forrest Gump voice). Convo on \\U0001f525\\U0001f525\\U0001f525'