Album 6 Track 2 - Priceless Brand Lessons w/Tim Halloran

Published: Jan. 12, 2024, 1:10 a.m.


Album 6 Track 2 - Priceless Brand Lessons w/Tim Halloran

What\\u2019s happening Brand Nerds?! We have our first guest in the building for Album 6 and he\'s a special one. Throughout his career, Tim Halloran has left a mark on the brand and marketing world, now teaching future marketing professionals. He\'s a testament to hard work, commitment, and being in the right place at the right time. We are kicking on the new album and the year with an episode that will inspire you, no matter what career stage you are in!

Here are a few key takeaways from the episode:

  • Dedication and Excellence are key to your career journey
  • Branding should alert all the senses in the consumer
  • Life will knock you down - it\'s about how you respond
  • Are you a "Three Feet from Gold" person?

Connect with Tim
Tim Halloran | LinkedIn

Tim\'s Book: Romancing the Brand

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