Album 5 Track 14 - A Dynamic Duo Takes on Brand, Marketing & Entertainment/The Connors

Published: May 5, 2023, 8:07 p.m.


Album 5 Track 14 -\\xa0 A Dynamic Duo Takes on Brand, Marketing & Entertainment

Brand Nerds! We have a first on today\'s episode and that is our first dynamic duo and married couple - Sheila and Steve Connor!
Innovators in their craft that has taken them from an ad agency, production company, and now work with their foundation, Heph Foundation, that recently received a $1.2 million grant, in addition to a goal of raising $3M over the next 18 months so that they can impact 10% of learners K-8 across the US.\\xa0

With one of the most vulnerable F-Ups we\'ve had on the show, you don\'t want to miss this!\\xa0

Here are a few key takeaways from the episode:

  • How are you prioritizing the humanity of the life you live?
  • Sometimes everything can be going completely right and wrong at the same time.
  • De-Influencing is trending. Let\'s talk about it


Heph Foundation

Show Partner: Specificity
Learn More About Specificity\\xa0

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