Album 2 Track 12 Clean Version Mali Hunter, COO/Partner of Tree Sound Studios and Retnuh Productions, additionally a Grammy nominated artist, singer, yoga enthusiast and celebrity organic chef.

Published: April 2, 2020, 12:30 p.m.

b'PLEASE NOTE- THIS TRACK RECORDED PRIOR TO CORONA VIRUS OUTBREAK IN FRONT OF LIVE STUDIO AUDIENCE AT GEORGIA TECH SCHELLER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MARTECH CONFERENCE.\\n\\nHey Brand Nerds! Gotta begin by wishing everyone good health. These are unprecedented times in our world. Take care if yourselves, your families and your beautiful marketing minds. We\\u2019ll continue to do our best to drop more content for your domes! Oh, and thanks for all who attended this conference. Y\\u2019all were dope.\\n\\nPrivilege to have been invited to do the show from the Georgia Tech Scheller School of Business third annual MarTech conference by our boy and great friend Tim Halloran. Off the rip, we had the great honor of having living legend Mali who is based in Atlanta (where the players play, shout JD) and a true innovator in the Hip Hop, entertainment and creative side of the business! Genuine to the core with a gang of epic stories to back it, lots to enjoy and learn including these highlights: \\n\\n\\u2022\\tSchedule your health needs first, and everything else around it\\n\\u2022\\t\\u201cAdaptability and being flexible is where you become successful\\u201d\\n\\u2022\\tThe power of \\u201cunlearning\\u201d\\n\\u2022\\tConstantly plugging into what young people are doing in tech\\n\\u2022\\tEarth Girl ATL\\n\\u2022\\tSmartest people ask the best questions\\n\\u2022\\tBe unapologetically you!\\n\\u2022\\tRun your career like chess, not checkers\\n\\n\\n#malihunter #marketing #branding #treesoundstudios #georgiatech #schellerschoolofbusiness #timhalloran #cocacola #toyota #sprite #earthgirlatl #jcole #missyelliott #andre3000'