Album 1 Track 14 - Lauren Weinberg, Global Head Of Marketing, Square - Do you know when to turn down the data and turn up your instincts?

Published: Aug. 22, 2019, 1:35 p.m.

b'Happy Friday eve Brand Nerds! Are the ladies in in the house? Without a doubt (s/o Frank White and Junior Mafia). Today you\\u2019re being blessed with \\u2018applied\\u2019 wisdom. Said another way, Lauren Weinberg, Chief Marketing Officer of Square, has something to say (s/o 3 stacks). Let\\u2019s start with this little ditty, the best marketing tells a strong story supported by data. But then Lauren flips it with this jewel, there is a time to turn down the data and turn up your INSTINCTS. Allow that to marinate on your cranium for second. So here\\u2019s a question for you to ponder. Do you know WHEN to turn down the data and turn up your instincts? Lauren does, and so should you. As you well know, in current day marketing we have an embarrassment of INFORMATION riches, and dearth of culturally relevant, actionable INSIGHTS. As you grope for the weekend open your ears to the wisdom of Lauren Weinberg!\\n#laurenweinberg #square #jackdorsey #marketing #branding #advertising #socialmedia #media #brandsbeatsbytes #cmo'