Borg Energy India Pvt Ltd Bangalore|2021 Renewable Energy

Published: Jan. 11, 2021, 5:52 a.m.


According to the experts of Borg Energy India Pvt Ltd Bangalore, the new year begins with surging growth for renewable energy. Growth will likely continue into 2021, fueled in part by last year\\u2019s major turning points. 


Here are the recent developments and major forces shared by Borg Energy India Pvt Ltd Bangalore, shaping the global renewable market in 2021. 


1. Installations doubled in China


Even after the government locked down large swathes of the country early in the year, businesses still wanted solar says experts of Borg Energy India Pvt Ltd Bangalore. The country\\u2019s main solar industry group expects a record surge in business over the next five years following President Xi Jinping\\u2019s September announcement that the country will zero out carbon emissions by 2060.


2. Solar installations in India


According to the experts of Borg Energy India Pvt Ltd Bangalore, new solar projects continued to set new records\\u2014meaning that once power company finances are in order, it\\u2019s a good bet that solar will be the cheapest option. Another bit of good news was that clearer skies when factories and streets were empty meant that there wasn\'t as much smog blocking the sunshine, allowing for higher generation from the country\'s existing panels.

