TWA 13: Liberals Leaving the US Over Abortion Rights

Published: July 1, 2022, 3:08 p.m.


This Week in the America\\u2019s Episode 12. Hrvoje and I do an update on last week\\u2019s news in the Americas. Recorded 6/28/2022 on TNT Radio. Tune in every Tuesday at 6 pm CST to listen live.

Show notes:\\xa0

3:20 - Liberals leaving the US because of Roe vs Wade

11:20 - 50 migrants die in trailer abandoned in San Antonio heat

17:20 - The Importance of Colombia\\u2019s Election

24:00 - Mexican students prefer to work for large corporations or the government

31:20 - Pirates Are Holding Up Mexico\\u2019s Oil Rigs at Gunpoint

33:10 - Big business could wipe out Mexico\\u2019s sacred psychedelic peyote cactus

34:20 - Energy: US preparing a \\u2018coup\\u2019 of the energy sector in Mexico

38:50 - Russia\\u2019s digital nomads head for Latin America

42:10 - Cocaine, meth and pot-laced snacks found in suitcase full of candy in Jalisco

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