Ep 47: The End of Jobs

Published: Sept. 21, 2015, 11 a.m.


Is it true that today entrepreneurship is more profitable and safer than a job? That jobs are actually riskier than most think? That\'s the conclusion Taylor Pearson, author of the bestselling book, \\u201cThe End of Jobs,\\u201d came to after spending the last three years working with hundreds of entrepreneurs from Los Angeles to Vietnam, Brazil to New York.


In this episode we talk about how people are investing in entrepreneurship to create more freedom, meaning, and wealth in their lives\\u2014not to mention the fallout from the meteoric success he\'s experiencing from the book.


Show Notes:


Taylor\'s research for the book (3:00)

\\u201cThe Fourth Economy,\\u201d economic shift (5:58)

Are people prepared for this shift? (7:40)

James\' explanation of this economic evolution (8:20)

How technology has affected this shift (10:27)

When Taylor realized traditional path no longer sensible (12:10)

Entrepreneurship risky? (14:05)

Difference between real and perceived risk (17:53)

Best specific skill sets for today (20:01)

Doing \\u201csafe\\u201d things that feel \\u201crisky\\u201d (21:00)

Software is eating the world (23:46)

Amazon vs. Walmart (25:08)

College worth it anymore? Other strategies (26:25)

The Condescending Group ad (28:43)

Background in digital marketing and systems consulting (31:05)

How people will transition from job model to entrepreneurship (32:55)

Path 1: Apprenticeships (33:25)

Path 2: Stair-stepping (35:04)

Avoiding the fear of macro-economics and embracing individual agency (36:00)

Obsession with personal productivity systems (40:00)

The secret: a longer lever (45:30)

Daily rituals (47:28)

Book recommendations (48:00)

\\u201cWar of Art\\u201d -Steven Pressfield

\\u201cLinchpin\\u201d -Seth Godin

\\u201cPurple Cow\\u201d -Seth Godin

\\u201cAntifragile\\u201d -Nassim Taleb

\\u201cMan\'s Search for Meaning\\u201d -Viktor Frankl

\\u201cPrinciples" -Ray Dalio

Taylor\'s apprenticeship with Tropical MBA (51:39)


Borderless Society (55:35)

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