Ep 121: Gun Control Myths Debunked with Jose Nino

Published: June 2, 2022, 6:56 p.m.

b'In this episode, I spoke with Jose Nino, author of the book 10 Myths of Gun Control and writer at his substack Jose Nino Speaks. We went over the common arguments for gun control and deconstruct them one by one.

In this podcast we respond to the following assertions:

  • 5:55 \\u2013 The US has the most mass shootings in the world.\\xa0
  • 18:40 \\u2013 Citizens shouldn\\u2019t be able to have assault rifles and weapons of war.
  • 23:30 \\u2013 We need nationwide background checks and waiting periods.
  • 27:00 \\u2013 Australia solved it\\u2019s gun violence problem by banning guns.
  • 30:30 \\u2013 The Constitution is outdated.
  • 34:25 \\u2013 \\u201cGood guy with a gun\\u201d is a myth.
  • 41:35 \\u2013 Gun Cartels are armed by lax gun laws in the US.
  • 45:50 \\u2013 Gun advocates off no solutions.

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