STATE OF TERROR, From #1 Bestselling Authors Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny

Published: Oct. 6, 2021, midnight

b'\\u201cA political thriller full of action and intrigue...Clinton and Penny create a heart-pounding mystery about terrorism, corruption and diplomacy, meticulously written with the promise of details only someone on the inside could contribute." (TIME) From the #1 bestselling authors Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny comes a novel of unsurpassed thrills and incomparable insider expertise\\u2014State of Terror. \\n\\n"An inspired pairing. Penny\'s turn-the-page pacing and Clinton\'s wealth of insider details mesh perfectly in this fast, entertaining thriller that also has knowing things to say about national\\u2014and international\\u2014politics. So authentic it feels like eavesdropping."\\u2013Joseph Kanon \\n\\n\\u201cState of Terror is an absolutely gripping, utterly believable, heart-stopping thriller that will make readers question how much is fiction and how much is based on reality. Clinton and Penny are each a force on their own\\u2014put together they are unstoppable.\\u201d\\u2013Karin Slaughter\\n\\n\\u201cI expected a thriller written by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Louise Penny to be smart, very well written, and suspenseful. But State of Terror is so much more than that\\u2026What great fun!\\u201d\\u2013James Patterson'