Yes And: A Conversational Strategy

Published: Nov. 1, 2018, 4 a.m.

After the 2018 U.S. Open women’s final, with accusations and blame being directed at both Serena Williams and the referee, I found myself agreeing with people on both sides of the issue. Of course, I had an initial snap opinion as I often do, but seeing as I am not an avid tennis fan, a person of color, or a woman, I was particularly curious to hear a comprehensive, fact-based conversation regarding what transpired.

Almost every article I read argued a singular party was at fault. Some people blamed Serena. Some people blamed the ref. It did not seem like anyone was interested in assigning a mutual culpability. However, the more I read articles from people with deeper knowledge on the matter, the more my own opinion vacillated, eventually landing somewhere in between. Empathetic to the arguments of both parties.

I actually found it refreshing to feel so conflicted on an issue.  

Read the original article here: