Why Are We So Afraid of Therapy?

Published: July 18, 2019, 4 a.m.

My senior year of high school I found out on a Sunday night in October that a wonderful teacher of mine had passed away. I remember being in the bathroom of my house, feeling confused, and trying, unsuccessfully, to cry. I knew I was sad and yet it felt like the appropriate grief circuits weren’t firing.

Five years later, in my first months out of college, I was again feeling overwhelmed, this time with a kind of inadvertent gumbo of sadness, longing, and loneliness. While I had broken up with my college girlfriend months before I felt like I was struggling more with the fallout as time went on. 

These events happened years ago, but they were formative for me in how I understand pain, loss, and grief, specifically, how I deal with them. The after effects of significant life events are not unlike those of culture shock.

Read the original article here: https://goodmenproject.com/guy-talk/why-are-we-so-afraid-of-therapy-rbmke-cmtt/