Where Are The Abuse Victims In Congress?

Published: Oct. 18, 2018, 4 a.m.

The congressional hearing and confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh was full of heightened and dismissive dialogue. The questions and accusations brought to the forefront were not treated with curiosity and a quest for due process, but an immediate and wild backlash that sought to paint Christine Blasey Ford as a liar and a pawn.

It should come as no surprise as it is the way accusations of sexual misconduct are frequently treated in this country. Those in power often blame and shame victims, devaluing the validity of their claims before they can even be investigated.

A general lack of empathy can be seen in every corner of our lives, both online and in person. When it comes to sexual assault though, the statistics show Congress should be more empathetic. Much more. And here is why. 

Read the original article here: https://goodmenproject.com/social-justice-2/where-are-the-abuse-victims-in-congress-cmtt/