When Mom Went Back to Work

Published: Aug. 29, 2019, 4 a.m.

When I was seven years old, and my sister was ten, my mother went back to work.

But it wasn’t like she hadn’t been working. In addition to being a phenomenal mother who was home with us every day since birth, she had also worked from home. She typed, she did resumes, she hustled from the comfort of our home office.

Eventually, she and our neighbor bought a Printing franchise 2 miles from our house.

I’m not sure my sister and I saw a big difference in our lives in the beginning. Dad still left for work before we got up. Mom was still there to get us ready for school, make sure we ate breakfast, and paste down our cowlicks with hairspray. But now after we left for school, she left for work.

Read the original article here: https://goodmenproject.com/guy-talk/when-mom-went-back-to-work-rbmke-cmtt/