This Is How It Works

Published: March 21, 2019, 4 a.m.

For most of my life, I believed there was an otherness responsible for change. Life’s great leaps were not the result of some mental or behavioral shift but a direct result of experiences the universe laid before me. These were the elements with the power to change my core; enabling me to be the person I always wanted to or prohibiting me from dwelling in circles I no longer desired.

And it’s preached to us, from an early age. In high school, we are told College will be the best years of your life. In college, we long for our own money to do spend as we wish. The horizon does not lack for promises. It is a purveyor of perpetual hope as well as a goal unattainable. As our physical bodies atrophy our wants exercise their daily metaphysical cardio.

We are bodies at rest with minds in motion seeking the life that wants to live in us.

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