Missing Where You're From

Published: Sept. 26, 2019, 4 a.m.

Do you miss it?

That is the question my fiancé and I kept asking each other about New York. We never raised it out of the blue. It was usually prompted by some other conversation we were already having. A memory we were reliving. A movie about the city. An article we both read. I’d ask her cautiously because I already knew the way she felt. I worried if I asked too often or in the wrong way I would make her sad. But still, I’d ask, hoping the gravity of the city had somehow dissipated.

But where you live and where you come from is hard not to think about. It is built into the way we perceive the world and process new experiences. And I was so very worried about that, about comparing every element of where we are to where we were. I didn’t want where we came from to stunt our ability to build a new life.

Read the original article here: https://goodmenproject.com/guy-talk/missing-where-youre-from-rbmke-cmtt/