Mid-30s Investing Anxieties

Published: Jan. 10, 2019, 5 a.m.

When I was 27 the startup I worked for brought in a “financial advisor” to meet with employees. A bunch of tech 20 somethings in flip-flops and shorts sat in a conference room with this suit for 15 minutes each so he could guide us on our 401K contributions.

His disposition made me feel like a kid who had forgotten to hand in his homework. The way he reacted to my questions made it seem like I was asking him about the long-term earning potential for my stockpile of magic beans.

Clearly, my investment strategy was lacking. But I still had time… right? Today, eight years later, I’m still wondering if I have time.

Read the original article here: https://goodmenproject.com/guy-talk/mid-30s-investing-anxieties-rmbke-cmtt/