Impressing Without Fitting

Published: March 28, 2019, 4 a.m.

The word that keeps coming up over and over again is “fit.”

It is the lynchpin of almost every email I receive when job searching. The autoresponders after I apply always say “If you are a good fit…” However, the rejection emails never directly say I’m not a good fit. To do so would be insulting and nobody wants that. Instead, the emails just say the company will be moving forward (i.e. away from me) with other people who are a better fit. Better becomes such a confusing and secretly relative word in the mouths of rejecting employers.

And there is a lot of rejection. It makes searching, applying, and interviewing extremely unrewarding. There is no obvious silver lining to not being hired by a company. Some rejections I understand, but others I wish I knew why. Who was a better fit than me? Help me so I don’t waste my time applying to similar companies looking for a skillset I do not even know I don’t have.

Read the original article here: