How Do You Make Friends As An Adult? Part 2

Published: June 20, 2019, 4 a.m.

Meeting my fiance dramatically shifted my world.

The early months of our relationship were immersive. There was this unquenchable thirst for the other person. We were eager for all interactions as we tried to impress each other, presenting the best version of our own self-portrait.

The pendulum slowly swung back from seclusion to immersion as we introduced each other to our respective circles. The couplehood we were starting to build was now something we wanted to share with other couples. We were social as individuals. And now as partners, we wanted to be social together.

Living together in a new city, nearly all the friends we ever had are permanently out of town. And now in this wonderful city, with this beautiful apartment big enough to actually entertain we ask; how could we find other couples to be friends with?

Read the original article here: