How Do You Make Friends as an Adult? Part 1

Published: June 13, 2019, 4 a.m.

The night before my first day of kindergarten I asked my mom how I was going to make friends at my new school. Here instructions were simple. Go up to somebody I wanted to be friends with and say “Hi, my name is Rich, what’s yours?”

It seemed easy enough. So on the first day of kindergarten, as all the kids were getting settled before the first bell rang, I looked for somebody I wanted to be friends with. I saw a table where four girls were sitting and talking. I walked up to them and said: “Hi, my name is Rich, what’s yours?”

Silence. No hello. No wave. Just four girls I didn’t know staring at me like I was an alien. Eventually, I just walked away. Making friends was going to be harder than I thought.

Read the original article here: