Feminism and Mindfulness for Toddlers

Published: Feb. 14, 2019, 5 a.m.

Many of my closest friends have begun reproducing which means our social calendar has seen an influx of birthdays for people newly arrived on the planet. Since we don’t have children, and I haven’t had a lot of interactions with tiny humans throughout my life, I’m not quite sure how to buy gifts for them.

Babies grow so fast that clothes seem incredibly temporary and I don’t know really know anything about toys. I know play is fundamental for the development of children but I don’t know which toys foster the right kind of play. I also want to buy something more meaningful that will nurture mental and emotional development.

Hence books.

Read the original article here: https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/feminism-and-mindfulness-for-toddlers-rmbke-cmtt/