Everything All the Time Always

Published: May 2, 2019, 1 p.m.

The first time I saw it I did a double take.

Sitting in the courtyard of a bar downtown, while drinking and playing cards I turned to grab my beer and saw it out of the corner of my eye. A young woman was sucking on her phone. No, wait. She was holding a vape pen and her phone in the same hand. No, that wasn’t it either. The phone she was holding had a vape pen that was… part of the case?


I tried not to stare but I kept looking over to confirm what I had seen. A phone case vape pen. Or a vape pen phone case. Had she bought it or made it herself? Either way, all I could think about was how we had finally figured out how to combine separate addictions into one. A single mega-addictive object.

It was depressing.

Read the original article here: