Are We All Missing the Point?

Published: Nov. 15, 2018, 5 a.m.

Several times a day I receive an email from a site called Help A Reporter Out or HARO. It is a site journalists use to find sources for their stories. As a subject matter expert, it is a great way to find opportunities to share your expertise. The majority of the articles I see being written are about fashion or sex. “Real Men who have waxed their testicles” or “Men in their 30s willing to talk about their foot fetishes.” Cheating, erections, and male anatomy are in heavy rotation.  

Here is the problem: The biggest issues facing men today have nothing to do with fashion or sexual performance. With all that is happening in the world right now, there has never been a better time to take a closer look at men. To celebrate the way they are evolving as fathers, partners, and friends. To dive deep into the hearts and minds of those struggling with myriad issues to help them change.  

Read the original article here: