A Review of Year End Reviews

Published: Jan. 3, 2019, 5 a.m.

About 7 years ago I did my first year-end review. Visiting my parents in South Carolina for the Christmas holiday, and somewhat unsatisfied with how my previous year had transpired, I found myself wanting something more than my standard set of incredibly vague handwritten resolutions.

Every year just after Christmas I sit in the recliner on my parents’ porch under a heavy blanket and stare into the pitch black silence of the Carolina night. It is there where my brain and body are finally able to come down from whatever heightened and distracted state I have allowed myself to enter.

December consistently finds me contemplating ways to purge, organize, eliminate and restart.

Read the original article here: https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/a-review-of-year-end-reviews-rbmke-cmtt/