3 Lessons From Hiking the Grand Tetons

Published: Oct. 10, 2019, 4 a.m.

By the time I got to Wyoming I was feeling a little overwhelmed.

Whenever I get that feeling, I itch for a grand adventure, something big and different and far away that will allow me to temporarily escape everything familiar to me. I want to be in a place where I don’t know anything or anybody with no ability for technological distraction. A place where I can truly let my mind wander.

A week hiking in the Grand Tetons was going to be everything I wanted and needed. I spent months preparing. I obsessed over my gear. I trained regularly despite an injury. And by the time I arrived in Jackson Hole with my buddy Rug (nickname, not real name), I was hoping all my pre-planning would pay off physically, and the trip would help me escape mentally.

Here is what I learned:

Click here to read the original article: https://goodmenproject.com/guy-talk/3-lessons-from-hiking-the-grand-tetons-rmbke-cmtt/