UNLOCKED: Prison Ghost Industrial Complex

Published: Oct. 17, 2019, 12:39 a.m.

UNLOCKED: I wanted to add an ironic prison ghost tour to my central Missouri roadtrip in July but the tours were canceled due to extensive structural damage from a tornado and flooding. Hell yeah! This prison held Emma Goldman and Kate O'Hare for their anti-war actions in speaking against the WW1 draft.

Instead of the tour, I walked along an abandoned service road and talked about the right wing Christian concept of ghosts, the death penalty, and libidinal orgone energies. Plus, I pitch a Means TV paranormal prison abolitionist show.

Here's what the apocalyptic road looks like at sunset. https://twitter.com/blackbannerpod/status/1155295366415298560  https://www.twitter.com/harvest_goth/status/1188505989483565056


Twitter: @harvest_goth
Email: BlackBannerMagic@riseup.net

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