The Experts Respond To Trump’s STOU, and Opposition Response

Published: Feb. 6, 2019, 2 p.m.

9:06-9:28a ET-Horace Cooper- President Trump's State of the Union Address Applauded by Black Activists & Themes of Unity and Strength Commended by Project 21 Members.  The Co-chair and legal professor/analyst discusses

9:32-9:42a ET- Jenny Beth Martin- President and co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, reacts to the President’s SOTU

9:46-9:58a ET- Tom Borelli- Energy/Climate change expert, Contributor with Conservative Review & America’s Voice responds to POTUS’ SOTU.

10:06-10:29a ET-John Stonestreet- President of the Colson Center and BreakPoint Co-Host discusses New York’s Reproductive Health Act.

10:32-10:58a ET-Carl Bialik- Everything you Want to Know About Yelp and Yelp NOWCAST with the Data Science Editor

10:46-10:58a ET-Grover Norquist- President of Americans for Tax Reform, America's preeminent center-right expert on taxes offers his response to Trump’s SOTU and the Dems response

11:06-11:29a ET-Dan Perkins- Madura warns America against a new Vietnam, as he fights for his political life.  Author, columnist and political commentator discusses

11:32-11:58a ET- Adam Brandon- FreedomWorks President, commented: “Tonight (last night) the President spoke of eradicating diseases that have plagued humanity. Count socialism among them.