Obama Admin Unmasking, Will It Matter, Hurricane Maria Rocks PR & Trump's Troubl

Published: Sept. 21, 2017, 1 p.m.

9:00-9:29a ET-Breaking News-Graham Cassidy Bill, Hurricane Maria & Obama Admin Unmasking

9:32-9:42a ET-Rachel Alexander- Everything Unraveling Around Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT Staffer Imran Awan.  The senior editor at The Stream has details.

9:46-9:58a ET-Steve Evans-Live from the Movie Capitol, Hollywood, CA, the Movie Guy runs down the top movies of the week.

10:06-10:29a ET-Josh Stanwitz-Veterans still forced to wait weeks for care while VA struggles to set appointments.  The CVA Coalitions Director explains.

10:06-10:29a ET-Trey Kennedy-He's Teaming Up with megabus.com for College Comedy Tour.  Who said colleges don't have a sense of humor?

10:32-10:42a ET-Sharon Miller-Women Entrepreneurs Expect Big Cracks in the Glass Ceiling Over the Next 20 Years.   Miller Heads Small Business at Bank of America.    
10:46-10:58a ET-Curtis Kalen-Citizens Against Government Waste Releases Prime Cuts 2017: Balances Budget Within Three Years.  Kalen is Communications Director and spokesman for CAGW.

11:06-11:29a-Amy Knight-ORDERS TO KILL: The Putin Regime and Political Murder.  She earned her PhD degree in Russian politics, so who would know better?

11:32-11:58a-Ed Darack-The Final Mission of Extortion 17: Special Ops, Helicopter Support, SEAL Team Six, and the Deadliest Day of the U.S. War in Afghanistan as presented by the writer and photographer who was embedded numerous times.