Breaking News, President’s Cabinet Overhaul…Who’s Next? Kids On The March

Published: March 15, 2018, 1 p.m.

9:06-9:29a ET-Breaking News- Are more changes in the offing among the President’s men?  And are the high school students movement being highjacked?

9:32-9:42a ET-Ken Cuccinelli- Director of the Regulatory Action Center sings EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s praises for the regulatory rollback.

9:46-9:58a ET-Tina Marie Griffin- The Counter Culture Mom talks about her new tool for parents, a new Media Guide hot opff the presses, plus  Very helpful tool for parents! Plus, free parenting Gen Z summit from AXIS and Living Biblically getting attention.

10:06-10:29a ET-Gerard Lameiro- The author, philosopher, economist, and engineer discusses his new book, “More Great News For America.”

10:32-10:58a ET-Kevin Hernandez- The Director of Policy at the LIBRE Initiative says, Tariffs Will Harm American Consumers; Urge Administration to Reconsider.

11:00-11:29a ET-Lauren Kitchens-Steward- It’s Living Life with Lauren, family, politics and entertainment from the college professor, speaker and radio show host.

11:32-11:58a ET-Warren Farrell– The bestselling author discusses the precarious position of boys in today’s world, as described in his new book, The Boy Crisis.