It's Shame All the Way Down with Ely Kreimendahl

Published: May 16, 2024, 8:45 a.m.


Ely Kreimendahl is a writer, comedian, and therapist. She\\u2019s also the host of the Shame Spiral podcast and just an absolute delight. She joins Jeff for a conversation on shame, why it\\u2019s so painful to experience, why we\\u2019re afraid to talk about it, and why confronting our shame can be so empowering. 

Listen to Jeff\'s podcast Problem Solved here:

Follow Ely Kreimendahl on Instagram: @elykreimendahl

Subscribe to Ely\\u2019s Substack

If you\\u2019re near Brooklyn, check out Ely\\u2019s monthly queer comedy show, Gay Shame.

 Pre-order your copy of Big Dating Energy

DISCLAIMER: The insights shared in this podcast are for educational purposes only, and should not be seen as a substitute for professional therapy. The guidance is general in nature, and does not equate to the personalized care provided by a licensed therapist. The callers are not therapy clients.
