Welcome to Big Careers, Small Children

Published: June 27, 2022, 10 a.m.

Big Careers Small Children helps ambitious parents progress careers they love whilst being present with their children. Through honest and informal conversation, senior leaders divulge what they have learnt on their own journey of combining big careers with young children to our host Verena Hefti MBE. Expect lots of aha moments, inspiration, fresh ideas, and practical support, so you can move forward in your career in a way that works for you and your family.

Are you progressing a big career whilst raising small children?

Each month we send out a helpful round-up email featuring useful info and brave new ideas for ambitious mums and dads. Sign up now.

Applications are now open for our NHS Fellowship

Our FMLM accredited NHS Fellowship is a career development programme for working parents in the NHS who want to lead positive change. Apply by 11/07. Find out more.