S7E2: Confessional Communities: A Community of Formation

Published: June 14, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities.\\n\\xa0\\nWe are continually being formed by something. The question is always, BY WHAT? If we want to become more like Jesus, there is no question that this does not happen magically. It takes work\\u2014the hard work of submitting to those formational realities that are most likely to do that.\\n\\xa0\\nConfessional communities have the potential to form us into truer versions of ourselves, precisely because we are not doing it alone, but in the context of a community whose center is Jesus that is empowered by the work of the Spirit\\u2014who is taking advantage of our willingness to vulnerably open our lives to each other.\\n\\xa0\\nPepper and Curt explore what it means to be formed into our best versions of Jesus\\u2014and how the confessional community enables that to take place.\\n\\xa0\\n. . . .\\nEpisode Links and References\\nGenesis 1-2\\nJohn 15:18-20\\nRomans 12:1-2\\nEphesians 6:12 \\nArtistic offering - U2 song "One"\\nThe Center for Being Known\\nNew Story Behavioral Health\\n\\xa0\\n. . . . .\\nSpecial Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International\\nThe world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify.\\n\\xa0\\nDuring this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you\'ll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving.\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0. . . . .\\nStay connected:\\nInstagram,\\xa0Facebook,\\xa0Twitter\\nYouTube\\xa0(Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.)\\nPlease subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on\\xa0Apple Podcasts.\\xa0\\nSign up\\xa0to access the\\xa0Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.'