Science collaborations with Russia

Published: Oct. 20, 2022, 3:32 p.m.


The sub Arctic boreal forests stretch across the northern hemisphere. They represent a huge carbon sink , but are also vulnerable to climate change. Most of the forest is in Russia and most of what we know about its current state comes from long running international field studies.

The Scott Polar Institute in the UK has been studying these forests for years in collaboration with Moscow university, but this year\\u2019s field work has been cancelled. We spoke to Olga Tutubalina and Gareth Rees who have been running the collaboration since the 1990s.

Will the cost of living crisis lead to an increase in food poisoning ? it\\u2019s a concern for food researcher Ellen Evans from Cardiff Metropolitan University, in particular the potential for listeria to grow in our fridges if we don\\u2019t have the temperature low enough.

And if you like maths how can you get better? Mathematician and Author Simon Singh, tells us about his new global Maths Circles initiative to connect maths enthusiasts around the world.
