What Treasury's New Plan Means: John Jay, the Aite Group

Published: March 23, 2009, 3:55 p.m.

b'Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has now outlined the Obama Administration\'s plan - this time with specificity -- to buy up bad bank assets and ease the credit crunch. But what\'s it mean to individual financial institutions?\\n\\n

In an exclusive interview, John Jay of Aite Group discusses:\\n\\n \\n\\n

First reactions to Treasury\'s plan;
How the plan could succeed, and what could derail it;
What it all means to mainstream banks and credit unions.
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Jay is a senior analyst at Aite Group, LLC. He specializes in fixed-income-structured products and technological applications involved in the structured products space.\\n\\n

Aite Group is a leading independent research and advisory firm focused on business, technology and regulatory issues and their impact on the financial services industry.'