What the Rescue Plans Means to Banks: Nancy Atkinson, Aite Group

Published: Feb. 10, 2009, 3:56 p.m.

b'On Tues., Feb. 10, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner unveiled the Obama Administration\'s new strategy for easing the credit crunch and strengthening the U.S. banking industry. In an exclusive interview, Nancy Atkinson, senior analyst at Aite Group LLC, discusses:\\n\\n

How the new plan differs from the Bush Administration\'s;
What the Obama plan means to the banking industry;
What we should expect to see for immediate changes - and how these changes may impact risk management and information security.

Nancy Atkinson is a senior analyst at Aite Group, LLC, specializing in wholesale banking issues including wholesale payments, trade finance and financial supply chain and working capital management. Her recent research has focused on electronic check processing and clearing, innovation in accounts payables and receivables, and transitions in the global wholesale payments market. She has also examined opportunities to leverage procurement cards in corporate payables and the impact of health savings accounts on banks.'