Separation or Convergence? The Conflicts Between Log Management and SIM

Published: Aug. 5, 2009, 3:12 p.m.

b'Log Management is a necessary first step, but only a baseline technology. Compliance mandates and good security practice also require real-time, end-to-end monitoring to identify, prioritize, analyze and remediate the true threats. Given the increase in targeted stealth attacks, clear visibility is more important than ever to protect your data. Consequently, Log Management alone is just not enough. \\n\\n

Learn how the convergence of Log Management and Security Information Management (SIM) is changing the way we think about security, and why the demand for SIM is surging, even in the face of the current economic downturn.\\n\\n

Mark Nicolett and netForensics Vice President of Products, Tracy Hulver, discuss: \\n\\n

Shortfalls of traditional Log Management solutions
Recommendations for effective real-time threat identification
Pitfalls to avoid when deploying SIM technology
How to make your existing log data actionable
Combining and simplifying SIM and Log Management

Log Management is a necessary first step, but only a baseline technology. Compliance mandates and good security practice also require real-time, end-to-end monitoring to identify, prioritize, analyze and remediate the true threats. Given the increase in targeted stealth attacks, clear visibility is more important than ever to protect your data. Consequently, Log Management alone is just not enough. \\n\\n

Learn how the convergence of Log Management and Security Information Management (SIM) is changing the way we think about security, and why the demand for SIM is surging, even in the face of the current economic downturn.'