Securing Your Email Infrastructure - Interview with Matt Speare of M&T Bank on email Security

Published: May 20, 2009, 6:09 p.m.

b'Electronic communication is at the heart of every organization, but one compromised e-mail can damage your corporate brand, compromise intellectual property or put you in non-compliance with laws and industry regulations.\\n\\n

Do you want to explain to your customers how you lost control of their personal financial information?\\n\\n

In an exclusive interview, Matthew Speare of M&T Bank discusses:\\n\\n

Internal and external factors that drive the need for secure communication;
The "gotchas" that await you;
Where to get started.

Speare oversees security for M & T Bank Corporation, the nation\'s 17th largest bank holding company, based in Buffalo, New York. He is responsible for developing and sustaining an information risk program that effectively protects the personal information of millions of M & T Bank customers. His responsibilities include information security management, IT compliance and risk management, corporate emergency and incident response, and business continuity management. \\n\\n

Matt is also a Major in the Army National Guard, serving as the 42nd Infantry Division Aviation Operations Officer, and is a AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter pilot.'