Regulatory Insights: NCUA's John Kutchey on Stability and Security

Published: July 23, 2009, 5:59 p.m.

b'Safety and soundness are issues for financial institutions of all sizes, including federally-regulated credit unions. But basic information security is also a challenge - especially for smaller, under-resourced institutions, says John Kutchey, deputy director of the National Credit Union Administration\'s (NCUA) Office of Examination and Insurance.\\n\\n

In an exclusive interview, Kutchey discusses:\\n\\n

Top regulatory issues for U.S. credit unions;
Information security challenges that must be addressed;
Key areas of focus for the NCUA looking ahead to 2009.

Kutchey was appointed to his current position in September 2008. As deputy director, Kutchey assists the E&I director to oversee the agency\'s supervision and examination program, risk management and data collection programs. Kutchey comes to the position after serving as director of Risk Management within E&I. \\n\\n

Kutchey joined NCUA in 1990 as an examiner in Baltimore, Md. During his NCUA career, Kutchey has held numerous positions -- problem case officer, supervisory examiner, director of Supervision in Region II, and director of Risk Management.'