National Credit Union Administration's Gigi Hyland on Information Security at Credit Unions

Published: Aug. 8, 2007, 6:03 p.m.

b'Listen to National Credit Union Administration board member Gigi Hyland as she shares with the Information Security Media Group audience what’s important to the NCUA in regard to information security at credit unions. Hyland, a NCUA board member since 2005, explains why written information security policies are needed and shares her view of annual review of risk assessments at credit unions as well as her ideas on access controls and need for encryption.\\n\\n

Hyland, who prior to her NCUA board appointment spent 14 years in the credit union community, details why employees, front end to back end, need information security training; how a holistic view of information security at a credit union will help; and what it takes to manage third party services and why a due diligence review is stressed.\\n\\n

Hyland expresses NCUA’s view on external threats and how to best fight them, including phishing and other online scams. She also speaks to the importance of credit union board members’ charge to oversee their credit union’s information security program.\\n\\n

Gigi Hyland was appointed by President George W. Bush to a seat on the National Credit Union (NCUA) Board effective November 18, 2005. Her term expires August 2, 2011. Prior to her NCUA appointment she served as Senior Vice President, General Counsel for Empire Corporate Federal Credit Union in Albany, New York. She previously served concurrently as Vice President, Corporate Credit Union Relations of the Credit Union National Association, Inc. and Executive Director for the Association of Corporate Credit Unions.'