Mortgage Fraud Trends: Cindi Dixon, Mela Capital Group

Published: April 15, 2010, 1:20 p.m.

b'How to Identify Fraudsters Inside and Outside the Institution\\n\\n

There are some great technology solutions to help detect fraud, but none of them are worth a cent if banking institutions don\'t have the people and processes in place to maximize these solutions.\\n\\n

In an interview focused on current mortgage fraud trends, Cindi Dixon, president of Mela Capital Group of Florida, discusses:\\n\\n

How institutions can identify fraudsters;
Why credit unions generally are better than banks at preventing fraud;
Tips about technology solutions that can help fight mortgage fraud.

Mela Capital Group is a nationally recognized mortgage fraud mitigation and credit risk management consulting firm that has audited $5 billion in high risk mortgage loans for private industry and law enforcement. As a recognized industry expert in mortgage and securities fraud investigation and operational procedure, Cindi Dixon, President, provides expert witness testimony and is a frequent presenter at public speaking engagements. As a private contracting firm, Mela has assisted US Customs/ICE, the FBI, the US Postal Inspector General and other agencies in unraveling complex criminal schemes involving mortgage fraud.'