Lessons Learned from TJX: Eric Fiterman, Cyber Crime Expert

Published: Aug. 13, 2008, 4:30 p.m.

b'Interview with Cyber Crime Expert Eric Fiterman\\n\\n

In the wake of the arrests of 11 hackers tied to the TJX data breach, security experts everywhere are warning of bigger, bolder threats to come.\\n\\n

So, what should banking institutions have learned from TJX-style breaches, and what can they do now to protect their customers and critical financial/informational assets?\\n\\n

In this interview, former FBI agent Eric Fiterman, founder of Methodvue, offers:\\n\\n


Insights on the TJX and other breach investigations;
How banking institutions can better protect their assets;
The types of crimes institutions need to look out for in the months ahead.