Identity & Access Management Trends -- Insights from Mike Del Giudice, Crowe Horwath

Published: June 2, 2009, 5:26 p.m.

b'In these times of mergers and acquisitions in the banking industry, identity and access management (IAM) is a huge challenge.\\n\\n

Mike Del Giudice of Crowe Horwath LLP shares insights on:\\n\\n

IAM trends in financial services;
How banking institutions are tackling IAM challenges;
The \'gotchas\' to avoid.

Del Giudice is a Senior Security Manager with Crowe Horwath\'s (Crowe) Risk Consulting Group, specializing in Information Security and Security Strategy, including data privacy, network auditing, External and Internal Penetration Testing, and compliance related to governmental regulations.\\nMike also has an extensive knowledge of policy and procedure development and has implemented effective information security solutions for a variety of clients.'