How to Avoid Being a Victim of Multi-Channel Fraud

Published: Oct. 22, 2008, 4:06 p.m.

b"The crime of deception is now even more deceptive.\\n\\n

Multi-channel fraud - schemes that are launched simultaneously via telephone, Internet, in person and via mail - is a growing concern for financial institutions. And the linked crimes aren't always easy to spot.\\n\\n

In this exclusive interview, security expert Diana Kelley discusses:\\n\\n


  • The types of multi-channel fraud now prevalent in the marketplace;
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  • How these attacks are launched;
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  • Ways institutions can spot and respond to the threat.
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Diana Kelley founded SecurityCurve in April of 2003. She has extensive experience creating secure network architectures and business solutions for large corporations and delivering strategic, competitive knowledge to security software vendors. \\n\\n

Prior to returning to SecurityCurve in January 2008, she was Vice President and Service Director for the Security and Risk Management Strategies (SRMS) service at Burton Group. Diana was the Executive Security Advisor for CA's eTrust Business Unit. At CA she was responsible for advising customers on strategic security solutions and helped guide CA's security business. \\n\\n

She served as the Vice President of Security Technology for Safe3W, Inc (acquired by iPass), a provider of strong, two factor authentication. Representing Safe3W she was actively involved in the Technical Group for NACHA's Project Action. And she was a security industry Analyst with Baroudi Bloor, a top-tier analyst firm where she delivered strategic advice to, among others, IBM and Psionic (acquired by Cisco.)"